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How to Improve the Development Speed of Android Projects

Developing an Android app is a huge undertaking. There’s a lot of planning and preparation that goes into it before you even start coding. But even with the best planning in the world, there’s always a risk that things will go wrong and the project will hit a snag.

Android is, without doubt, one of the most widely used mobile operating systems, and there are more than two billion Android devices already being actively used around the world. One of the biggest challenges of Android app development is speeding up the development process without sacrificing quality. In this article, we’ll explore some methods you can use to speed up development without compromising your standards.

Use The Latest Android Gradle Plugin

To improve the development speed of your Android projects, you should use the latest Android Gradle plugin. This plugin has been designed to streamline the build process and make it faster and more efficient. It supports all the features of Android Studio, so you can be confident that you’re taking advantage of all the latest developments in Android development. To install the plugin, just open the Preferences window and go to the Plugins section. From there, you can search for “Android Gradle Plugin” and install it.

Avoid Legacy Multidex

So you’re working on an Android project and you want to make sure that you’re hitting your deadlines? Here are a few tips for improving your development speed. First, avoid using legacy Multidex. This can really slow down your development process. Instead, use the Android Support Library to compile your project. Second, make sure you’re using the latest version of Android Studio. This will help you take advantage of the latest features and optimizations. And lastly, try using Gradle build files. They can help speed up your development process by automating tasks like building, testing, and packaging your app.

Keep Your Tools Up-To-Date

One of the best ways to speed up your development process is to keep your tools up-to-date. If you’re using an outdated version of Android Studio, for example, you’re going to run into all sorts of problems. So make sure you’re always using the latest version of Android Studio, and keep your other tools—like the Android SDK and the Google Play Services SDK—up-to-date as well. There are plenty of resources available on the web to help you stay current, so don’t be afraid to do a little research. By keeping your tools up-to-date, you’ll be able to take advantage of the latest features and optimizations, which will help you speed up your development process and get your apps to market faster.

Avoid Compiling Unnecessary Resources

When it comes to developing Android apps, one of the best ways to improve your development speed is to avoid compiling unnecessary resources. What does that mean? Essentially, it means that you should avoid building and compiling code that’s not needed for the current task at hand. This might seem like common sense, but it’s something that a lot of developers still struggle with. There are a few ways to avoid compiling unnecessary resources. First, try and be mindful of the code you’re writing. Second, use a build system like Gradle that can automate the compilation process for you. And third, use tools to help you optimize your code and remove any unused resources.

Disable Multi-APK

You can improve the development speed of your Android projects by disabling multi-APK. Multi-APK is a build feature that allows you to build different APKs for different screen sizes and densities. This is a great feature, but it can also slow down your development process. That’s because you have to test your app on all different screen sizes and densities. And if you make any changes to your code, you have to rebuild your APKs for all of the different screen sizes and densities. Disabling multi-APK will speed up your development process because you’ll only have to test your app on one size and density. You’ll also only have to rebuild your APKs once, after making changes to your code.

Create Library Modules

When it comes to developing Android projects, one way to improve the speed is to create library modules. By doing this, you can reuse code and avoid having to write it from scratch each time. Not only will this make your development process faster and more efficient, but it will also make your code more organized and easier to maintain. Plus, if you ever need to update or change anything, you can do so quickly and easily. To create a library module, simply create a new Java class and then add it to the project’s build path. Be sure to give it a descriptive name so that you can easily identify it later.

Use Instant Run

One way to speed up the development process is to use Android Studio’s Instant Run feature. With this enabled, you can see your changes reflected immediately in the emulator or on your device. To turn on Instant Run, go to Preferences  Build, Execution, Deployment  Instant Run. Make sure that the box next to “Enable Instant Run” is checked. You can also select the devices and emulators that you want to target. Now, when you make a change to your code, Android Studio will automatically rebuild and redeploy your app. This means that you can see your results faster and make more efficient progress.

Convert Images To WebP

One way to improve the development speed of your Android projects is to convert your images to the WebP format. With WebP, you can get up to 60% smaller image sizes compared to JPEGs, without sacrificing quality. There are a few ways you can convert your images to WebP. You can use an online converter, or you can use a library. If you’re using Android Studio, you can also use the Image Asset Studio to convert your images to WebP. So why not give it a try? By converting your images to the WebP format, you can speed up the development process of your Android projects and reduce bandwidth usage.

Enable Gradle Caching

So, how can you speed up the development process for your Android projects? Well, one way is to enable Gradle caching. What this does is it stores a copy of the compiled project output, so that the next time you build the project, it can use the cached files instead of recompiling everything from scratch. This can shave minutes, or even hours, off your build times. To enable Gradle caching, go to Settings  Build, Execution, Deployment  Gradle and check the box for “Gradle cache.” You can also configure how much disk space to allocate for the cache.


Making Android apps faster and more efficient to develop has been an ongoing problem since the release of Google’s mobile operating system. But with some added development techniques, you can dramatically improve the speed of your project’s development cycle and reduce the amount of time you spend debugging issues, as well as improving the software quality. These are some of the best tips you can use to make your Android projects run more smoothly from start to finish.

Read more:Safuu

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